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Bringing Nature into Healing

Are you feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, or seeking a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you? Welcome to the world of Wild Therapy, where we embark on a transformative journey that integrates the wisdom of nature into your healing process.

In a world where mainstream psychotherapy and counseling often emphasize domestication, boundaries, objectivity, and control, Wild Therapy offers a refreshing perspective. It's a therapeutic approach that seeks to rekindle our innate connection with the wild, embracing spontaneity, boundlessness, and passion. Nature, in all its glory, becomes our co-therapist.

Hidden School takes therapy outdoors, allowing you to encounter the wonders of the other-than-human and the more-than-human - from animals, birds, and plants to trees, hills, rivers, winds, dreams, ghosts, and spirits. In the great outdoors, we rediscover that we are an inseparable part of nature's web, nurturing our wondrous strangeness.

We don't stop at the outdoor experience. We bring the wild back into the therapy room, where it reshapes our therapeutic practice in profound and unexpected ways. By integrating the natural world into our sessions, we tap into its healing power.

Our outdoor practice can have a significant impact on your well-being:

  • Reduce Depression: Find relief and hope in the embrace of nature.

  • Manage Anger: Discover healthier ways to express and cope with anger.

  • Alleviate Anxiety and Stress: Nature's serenity can soothe your soul.

  • Boost Mood and Self-Esteem: Reconnect with your authentic self.

  • Enhance Emotional Resilience: Cultivate strength and adaptability.

Reach out to for an initial consultation and session availability. Let's explore the untamed aspects of yourself and the world, and together, we'll forge a path to greater harmony and well-being.

Join us in the wild and experience the magic of Wild Therapy. Reconnect with your wild, authentic self and nurture a deeper connection with the world around you.

Therapy: Classes
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